C++ 有趣的一件事:另類遞迴 (An interesting event:abnormal recursion)


Try to design two programs that they can transmit messages to each other, so they can do some communicating things or so.



First, I built prg1.exe and prg2.exe each with only an empty window and put them in the same folder. And then, I modified prg1 so let it be able to call and execute prg2.


卻將這行(其中誤將 prg2寫成 prg1)



However, I mindlessly added this code line above into prg1’s event ‘FormCreate’, and included an fatal mistake in the code: ‘prg1’ — it should be ‘prg2’.

As below:

void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)


未思索立馬按F9編譯執行。只見prg1的視窗出現,然後電腦不知在忙什麼,很遲緩。打開工作管理員一看,哇! 整排grg1而且一直增加中,按刪除也動不了。原來是prg1一直執行prg1。


Then, without thinking, I clicked the F9 to run compile+execute prg1. As prg1’s windows appeared, my computer became very slow in any action. I realized that something wrong happened. Hardly and finally, I opened Task Manager. My god! Amount of ‘prg1’ had been listed and still keep generating speedy all the time. I had been aware one thing had been happening: prg1 was executing itself.

I tried to stop this stubborn prg1 in the task manager, but it wasn’t work. Finally, pressed the OFF button that in front the machine panel, then turn it on. Modified the prg1..

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