Windows鍵卡住(‘Windows’ key jammed)

奇怪的事今天又發生了,按某些特定按鍵,如D鍵,會跳到桌面  ; 按L鍵,會登出  ; 按E鍵,會跳出我的電腦 。

A strange thing had happened again: when I clicked some certain keys, such as D, then jumping into the desktop, L, logging out, E, the explore window exploring.

重新啟動Windows再登入仍是一樣。這種狀況偶而會發生,但實在厭煩了老是要重新開機才能解除。靈機一動,想到或許是與Windows鍵有關,對Windows鍵敲一下,解決 ! 原來是它卡住。以後不用再束手無策了。


This situation was still existing even I restarted the windows system. Only when I did one action could end it: power off and re-on the machine.

I really didn’t want to repeat this such silly and inefficient thing every time when it happened. A bright idea suddenly occurs, maybe the problem was the ‘Windows’ key on the keyboard. I clicked the ‘Windows’ key. Ha ha! it worked.

