Category Archives: PDM

優化PDM查詢零件之ERP庫存資訊與成本功能 (Optimizing PDM system for querying ERP inventory information and costs of parts)



C++兩程式互傳訊息實例 — PDM的觀圖功能(viewing CAD drawings in PDM)


    After last article described how to transfer message between two programs, I recently have used this method to accomplish the viewing function of the PDM system.


C++整合SQL預存程序逆展BOM (Integrating C++ with SQL stored procedure to display a BOM reverse sprading)

本文延續上篇 ‘MS SQL使用遞迴逆展BOM的預存程序’,進一步使用C++在使用者端的視窗介面,展示出逆展BOM的樹狀結構。 繼續閱讀

MS SQL使用遞迴逆展BOM的預存程序 (a stored procedure program for reverse spreading BOM using recursive method)

本文展示在MS SQL(2008版),使用遞迴方法逆向展開BOM內一個零件的所有父件(上階)資料的預存程序做法。其實逆展的做法原理與前一篇正展是一樣的,只是父件與子件顛倒而已。 繼續閱讀

C++整合SQL預存程序計算BOM某子件的總用量 (Integrating C++ with SQL stored procedure to sum up a part’s total usage amount in the BOM)

本文延續上篇 ‘MS SQL使用遞迴正展BOM的預存程序’,進一步使用C++在使用者端的視窗介面,計算出BOM某子件的總用量。 繼續閱讀

MS SQL使用遞迴正展BOM的預存程序(a stored procedure program for forward spreading BOM using recursive method)

本文展示在MS SQL SQL(2008版),使用遞迴方法正向展開BOM所有階層資料的預存程序做法 繼續閱讀

C++將剪貼簿文字資料匯入資料庫 (Importing clipboard string data into Databse)

PDM系統有一功能:整批出圖,對AutoCAD dwg圖或Inventor idw工程圖都可以。操作介面如下圖是。一筆一筆輸入件號,寫入資料庫的同時,程式自動帶出圖號及圖檔路徑。然後選按ACAD(dwg)或Inv(idw)鈕即執行整批出圖作業。

There is a function in PDM system ‘batch plotting drawings’. First we key in part’s number one by one into database, then click a button to excute the function. 繼續閱讀

C++獲取網芳資料夾安全性的管理者權限(Getting the authority of administrator from network shares)

通常為了安全起見,必須將分享資料夾的NTFS安全性設為users或everyone僅唯讀不允修改寫入,然而在執行程式時卻又必須依程式系統的帳號權限來寫入。這要如何做到呢? 本文分享作法。

(Usually for security reasons, we must set network shared-folder’s NTFS security to read-only for normal users or everyone . But at the same time , the folder also needed by writting by program . What would we do  ? This article is showing the practice.)


C++ 以顏色區分DBGrid資料之不同群組 (Distinguish different data sets with two colors in a DBGrid)


The article showing how to use C++ distinguish different data sets with two colors in a DBGrid , it gets more convenient and friendly for user.


彙集AutoCAD零件清單資料轉匯Excel (AutoLISP整合C++) (Gathering AutoCAD parts list data to Excel)

本文介紹一個處理AutoCAD零件清單資料的程序。也是AutoLISP與C++整合案例。(This article representing how to gather an AutoCAD drawing’s parts data to Excel ) 繼續閱讀

C# (VS2010) 將DataGridView 資料匯出至Excel (Exporting DataGridView data to Excel)

本文示範以C# (VS2010) 將DataGridView 資料匯出至Excel的實例。(This article representing how to export DataGridView  data to Excel using C# with VS2010) 繼續閱讀

C# (VS2010) 將DataGridView 資料匯出至剪貼簿 (Exporting DataGridView data to clipboard)

本文示範以C# (VS2010) 將DataGridView 資料匯出至剪貼簿的實例。(This article representing how to export DataGridView  data to clipboard using C# with VS2010) 繼續閱讀

C++ 將DBGrid資料匯出至剪貼簿 (Exporting DBGrid data to clipboard)

設計一公用函數,使可以將DBGrid資料匯出至剪貼簿 (To design a function so can at any time and very easy to export DBGrid data to clipboard) 繼續閱讀

C++ 將DBGrid資料匯出Excel (Exporting DBGrid data to Excel)

設計一公用函數,使可以隨時很便利的將DBGrid資料匯出至Excel (To design a function so can at any time and very easy to export DBGrid data to Excel) 繼續閱讀

C++ 讀取BOM Tree尾階資料 (get the last level data of a BOM Tree)

本文展示C++程式的作法:從一BOM Tree讀取其所有尾階件號資料。 繼續閱讀

C++ 利用遞迴設計逆展BOM (Recursive Method Used in BOM implosion)



C++ 利用遞迴設計函式的做法 (Recursive Method Used in desiging a function)

